Sunday, April 29, 2012

Quiet Weekend

We got back on the water yesterday, aboard one of the Islands whale watching tour boats (Tartaruaga del mer). We came across a single whale breaching and tail slapping about 500m from our vessel. A closer encounter was attempted but to no avail. A few mediocre photos were taken, enough to recognise that this was a new animal for this year at least. 

Today was even less eventfull.  Heading out on our old faithful RIB, we were greeted with a 3m swell breaking just inside the port. Fearing a rough start to the day, we went to the southern end of the bay to ‘calmer’ waters. Again there was a brief encounter with a very quiet whale, which seemed to only blow once per surface. We possibly recognised this animal as ‘Pat’ the singer from a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately we didn’t obtain any useful photo-I.D.’s to make the match.  He headed off west into the roughest waters I’ve seen since arriving on Cape Verdes. We called it a day since there was little chance of locating whales close to shore in these conditions. 

Darren Craig.